Most of the settings below can also be changed live in the Settings menu.
DescriptionMaximum 8 ASCII characters amongst a-z A-Z 0-9. Nickname is shown at startup and avoids confusing your Motion with another. It is also broadcasted to everyone when networking or emergency beacon is on. When left empty (default), your unique identifier is used instead.
Default valuenickname=
Value in minutes : -720 to 840. Click here to find your time zone.
Backlight power level
Value in percent : 0 to 100
Displayed speed unit
Value amongst :
km/h : kilometers per hour,
m/s : meters per second,
kn : nautical miles per hour,
mph : land miles per hour.
Displayed distance unit
Value amongst :
km : kilometers,
m : meters,
nm : nautical miles,
mi : land miles.
GNSS mode
Value in Hertz amongst : 1, 2, 5, 10
Digest and bulk exports to .GPX or .UBX
Values amongst : on, off. Decides which exports will be done when using bulk conversion.
export.gpx=off export.ubx=on export.digest=on
Network mode
Value amongst :
emergency : quickly listens for emergencies then sleeps,
broadcast : quickly listens for emergencies, quickly listens for broadcasts, transmits your nickname, position and best scores to others.
Please at least use "emergency" if there is any chance someone else is using a Motion nearby. Listening for emergencies consumes nearly nothing and could help someone !
This setting has no impact on your ability to send an emergency to others.
Thicker borders on the map
Values amongst : on, off.
Increases the map readability by thickening the black borders around the roads on the map. Useful when following a track while running or biking.
Display offsets
Values in pixels : 0 to 10.
Increasing these will offset the display to the right and to the bottom.
display.x_offset=5 display.y_offset=0
Custom windows
You can define your own custom windows. Find out more on the Custom windows documentation page.